Wednesday, May 11, 2011

File Organization

File organization is the methodology which is applied to structured computer files. Files contain computer records which can be documents or information which is stored in a certain way for later retrieval. File organization refers primarily to the logical arrangement of data (which can itself be organized in a system of records with correlation between the fields/columns) in a file system. It should not be confused with the physical storage of the file in some types of storage media. There are certain basic types of computer file, which can include files stored as blocks of data and streams of data, where the information streams out of the file while it is being read until the end of the file is encountered.

We will look at two components of file organization here:

  1. The way the internal file structure is arranged and
  2. The external file as it is presented to the O/S or program that calls it. Here we will also examine the concept of file extensions.

We will examine various ways that files can be stored and organized. Files are presented to the application as a stream of bytes and then an EOF (end of file) condition.

A program that uses a file needs to know the structure of the file and needs to interpret its contents.


Sunday, May 8, 2011

My First Chapter in our project...

PCs will continue to get faster, in accordance with Moore's Law, but it won't be like the old days when vendors brought out successive generations of microprocessor chips that ran at faster and faster speeds, to the delight of the users.

"They've hit the wall because of heat," Tom Halfhill, senior analyst for the Microprocessor Report newsletter in San Jose, Calif., told LiveScience.

Currently, chip speeds have topped out at a little under 4 gigahertz (4 billion cycles per second) because they get hotter as they run faster, and at higher speeds they fry themselves.


Monday, August 10, 2009

Why I choose Software Engineering 1?!!

I choose software Engineering 1 because as an IT student, it help a lot to us, not only because we need to follow from our curriculum .It is just our own capability to know all about what is software engineering!
For me, a lot of things come up with my own mind,own reasoning that why we need to study this software engineering 1, and it is come up that to become a software engineer someday!!I found also from this , is just an interesting, helps to expand our own imagination, learning from different ideas of different people!!!